Wednesday, January 14, 2009


So I've actually been successful with the cutting back on the smokes! At work I managed to drop my smoking rate from 1 smoke/hour to 1 smoke/ 2 hours and man...wasn't easy. Its strange, putting this much focus on cigarettes, makes me think about them much more, and its all very odd.

Firstly (and this I've realised for ages, but its much more obvious now) I realize that many of my cigarettes are superflous. I smoke them purely out of habit.

Secondly I realize that I have different smoking rates. At work, once per hour is pretty much the max I can get away with, and realistically its much more about going outside/seeing staff of local coffee places than it is about inhaling smoke. At home I smoke more than a smoke an hour, I mean all I have to do is step out into the courtyard, so its quite a bit easier. It means I'll have to adjust my cutbacks to be more severe at home, so it goes.

Keeping track of each smoke really places emphasis on a smoke when its actually being had, and honestly a lot of the times...its a let down. I'll finish it, place it in the ashtray, and think "This is what I was waiting for for a whole hour?" I mean, what else am I really willing to wait an hour for? Sex? Drugs? Rock and Roll?...That's probably it.

Anyhow, this is all working out for the better. If I can cut back on half my daily smokes, I could save 5$ a day...which is 140$ a month...which is I dunno...a coke habit? No, but something worth 140$ a month.

I'm rather happy with how I did today, and will continue with this. So fuckin eat that cigarettes!!!

Success finally!

So I avoided a smoke! waited all the way until 12:40 somethin! I have to hold out till 3! For the most part my plan is working, I'm essentially eliminating every second smoke Woooot!

Now wish me luck on the not-cigarette avoidance this eve!

More Epic fails

Last post, all failed. Smoked that cig before I was supposed to, smoked non-cigs last night to :(. I really am a marshmellow when it comes to self control. Now, I'm going to try and avoid a cigarette until lunchtime, and god damn it NO FUCKING not-cigarette tonight...

We'll see

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Thus far, I've barely done any of my points. So, I'm going to set some smaller goals, and hit those. No cig until 4 pm. And no not-cigarette tonight. I'll update as they arrive.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

One down!....298305039284 to go ;D

I managed to avoid the "walk from work to the metro outdoors" cigarette!

January 6th - 9:04 am

Damn, I totally had three cigarettes on the way to work, I tried to avoid that early morning one...but my roommate was in the shower and I had too much time to kill :(. Next time ;D.

Monday, January 5, 2009

And So...

I and a friend decided to write these blogs. We decided to write these blogs in the face of our respective inabilities to make change happen appropriately in our lives. I myself am rather poor in this area.

So the blog as a whole will be the tracking and maintenance of our individual goals.

This is a quick jot, but I'll revise later, and get more specific;
(They aren't in order of priority...for now!)

1) Smoke less cigarettes

I smoke like a chimney on fire, presently oscillating between a half a pack and a pack (25 individual cigs) a day. Point 1 is about avoiding any cigarettes I can by any means necessary.

I'm trying to focus on the smokes that are weak and seperated from the herd, like my first smoke in the morning.

2) Smoke less not-cigarettes

I love my not-cigarettes, they calm me after a day of work, help me relax, and avoid dreams that would most likely involve my ex. The drawback is that they also make me more forgetful, lower energy, less motivated and a much less guilty slacker. While I'm perfectly happy to be all of the above most of the time, its just not cutting it in a time of forced change. To begin, I'm trying to avoid the not-cigarettes on weeknights.

3)Do a bit of exercise

4)Write more often

5)Draw more often

6)Practice guitar more often

7)Be more fiscally responsible

8)Memorize more stuff

I was just reading some toasts on a random website, and realized it would be nice to whip something like that out at the appropriate time. The only piece of prose I currently know off by heart is an old Emily Dickinson poem, and while dead lesbian poetry is the ultimate spanish fly...I'd like to give it a bit of company.

Those are all the ones I can remember for the momentary, will post, re-post and editate upon the morrow.