Wednesday, January 14, 2009


So I've actually been successful with the cutting back on the smokes! At work I managed to drop my smoking rate from 1 smoke/hour to 1 smoke/ 2 hours and man...wasn't easy. Its strange, putting this much focus on cigarettes, makes me think about them much more, and its all very odd.

Firstly (and this I've realised for ages, but its much more obvious now) I realize that many of my cigarettes are superflous. I smoke them purely out of habit.

Secondly I realize that I have different smoking rates. At work, once per hour is pretty much the max I can get away with, and realistically its much more about going outside/seeing staff of local coffee places than it is about inhaling smoke. At home I smoke more than a smoke an hour, I mean all I have to do is step out into the courtyard, so its quite a bit easier. It means I'll have to adjust my cutbacks to be more severe at home, so it goes.

Keeping track of each smoke really places emphasis on a smoke when its actually being had, and honestly a lot of the times...its a let down. I'll finish it, place it in the ashtray, and think "This is what I was waiting for for a whole hour?" I mean, what else am I really willing to wait an hour for? Sex? Drugs? Rock and Roll?...That's probably it.

Anyhow, this is all working out for the better. If I can cut back on half my daily smokes, I could save 5$ a day...which is 140$ a month...which is I dunno...a coke habit? No, but something worth 140$ a month.

I'm rather happy with how I did today, and will continue with this. So fuckin eat that cigarettes!!!

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